Selling out

We moved to the perfect little farm in South Carolina not too long ago. I spent a year writing and publishing and then went back to the number grind that is accounting in order to pay the bills.

While all of this was happening life continued to move at lightening speed. Our youngest daughter moved back home with a wonderful and happy surprise waiting to enter the world. Now that he is here we are heading home, that would be Texas for the record.

Still more news continues to come from the lone star state and so away we go… just as soon as we sell this wonderful little farm of ours. I will miss this place, this house has a charm all its own. I will miss chickens and turkeys and ducks. I will even miss the crazy and obnoxious guineas. We are looking to downsize and be back in a neighborhood. I feel as though I am giving up on the dream but the stronger pull, the deeper longing, is the one for my family that is so far away. There have been losses and births and marriages and countless other happenings that we have missed in a very short time. I just can’t imagine missing anymore.

Wish us well with our new, old adventure!

Much Love


Grandchildren and Baby Ducks

11150150_10204312923488580_7470352312473634834_nWe welcomed a new addition to the family last week. Gunner came into the world a whopping ten pounds and over 20 inches long. We are also expecting another grandson in June! My how time flies.

I brought home two sweet baby ducks to add to the rapidly growing Bagley bird family and they are just adorable.

Life is good, family is wonderful, everyone is healthy and happy. I hope this little blog post finds all of you well!

Much Love,


Silence This Time of Year


We moved far away and out into the country to find quiet. We have succeeded in that endeavor, possibly to my detriment. I have missed my family and children so much this year and that all came to a head yesterday. I went from growing up with wonderful Christmas’s full of family and noise and fun traditions to having children of my own and waking before dawn so that they could run to the tree to see what little something was hiding there for them. This year, I slept in and when I woke I had coffee quietly with my husband and our brood of animals. There is nothing wrong with this at all and I love spending time alone with my wonderful partner in crime and life but I found myself missing years that are now gone and people that are too far away.

There are so many people out there that are absolutely alone at the holidays and I am not, so please don’t misunderstand, I am grateful and even blessed to have loved ones that think to call me and a best friend that I can snuggle with and drink hot chocolate. I feel for those that do not have those rays of sunshine in their lives. We decided yesterday that we need a new tradition to keep the holiday spirit alive and we have both decided to volunteer next year at the holidays to help those that are less fortunate and may not have a family member in their lives. I think this will help us too on so many levels. If I can wear my elf hat for my coworkers and friends then I can definitely don my gay apparel for a stranger and maybe we will both smile when I do.

This year we will be researching where we can do the most good over the holidays and possibly even year round. If any of you have done this type of thing I would be interested in feedback regarding good organizations that are out there.

Wishing you all a bright and wonderful new year!!

Much Love,


Sleeping In, Taking Long Baths And Standing In The Sun

We knocked out our chores yesterday and spent last night listening to music and holding hands. It is just the two of us knocking around in this old house, if you don’t count the five animals that we share it with, and that is a lovely thing. I miss my children terribly, so much so that I was listening to Disney music as I cleaned the house yesterday until I cried. I eventually changed the station and went straight for disco! I called one of my daughters, told her that I loved her and then texted the others knowing that they were busy and then I went on to dance with Gloria Gaynor. Even though I miss those lovely people that I helped create, I know that they have good and happy lives and what I was really missing yesterday were times that will live on in my heart and mind. As long as those memories live there, they are with me.

So now on to the point of this blog…

Recognizing the moments that pull at your heart strings and what they are trying to tell you. Even in the midst of sweeping with tears on my face I was happy in a way because I was learning something important. I let this go on for quite a while before it passed and I made the musical change and picked up the phone. The reason that I did this is because in that small period of time I wanted to feel that way, so I did. I did not fake a smile or push it away, I let it flow and appreciated what was happening in my mind. It is ok to feel. That means all of the feelings that we as complex human beings have inside of us. We can feel anger, sadness, happiness and contentment and all of these feelings, as well as a myriad of others, are important. The trick is learning to “sit” with these emotions and let it be ok. Trying to be happy all the time seems like the way to go, but if you are masking what is actually happening then it will be counter productive. If you can instead learn to love all of your feelings for what they teach you about yourself, then you my friend, have found the key. I work on this constantly, most of the time it is magical, but being human, I don’t always remember to do it. When that happens I don’t beat myself up, instead I back up to what happened, take a deep breath and look at what triggered a particular response. Soul searching is like exercise for the mind.

This morning, after having a fantastic night last night, I slept in late. I had coffee and breakfast when I woke up and then took a long hot bath. After I dressed I walked outside into the sunlight and turned my face up to meet it with peace in my heart and a happy resolve to have a wonderful day full of new lessons and insights.

Here is to all of you! May you have a peace filled and lovely day as well!

Much Love,


Under The Influence (it’s not what you think)

My girls

Tonight I am taking a look at where my desire to write came from. I do not remember a time when I did not  love to read, but writing seemed a near impossible task when I first started.

I have always been that person, even as a child, that would see someone on the street or in the store and automatically give them a back-story, normally a very exciting one. I still see leaves swirling in the breeze and think “magic” or smell the rich dark earth and dream up stories with mushrooms and fairies.These things live inside me but they are not what started me on the road to writing.

To really understand that I will have to tell you a terrible timeline.

It took more than three years to write The Hierophant’s Bridge. That is an abnormally long time spent writing a book but this book was not ever meant to be published. This story was for me in the beginning. It was a passive way to escape terrible personal tragedies that were taking place at the time.

July 2011 – My mother fatally overdosed on pain medicine, I sat down to write. I had no idea where it would lead but I let it flow with no outline or intention. I stopped a couple of months in as I once again became busy with life and accepted my loss.

October 2012 – My daughter, 17 at the time, had a fight with her boyfriend and shot herself in the head. She survived. I spent the next year helping her learn to walk, talk, eat and live again and when she slept, I was writing like a mad woman. Again I stopped but this time there was what I would come to call my “kinda sorta outline”. The book had taken shape and now had a purpose that existed outside of me.

December 2013 – We moved from Texas to SC. This was a big move and I am still happy that we did it. After we bought the new house life had settled down and I wanted to end the beginning of this story with a clear head and a happy heart, so very different from the way that it started. I sat down at my computer and did just that.

October 2014 – I followed through with publishing The Hierophant’s Bridge after sharing it with those around me and being convinced to do so (it didn’t take much prodding, I was excited.) I also began writing the second book to follow this one, The Elders. At the same time I took on another project in the horror genre with The Renovation (This book is geared more for adults).

These were my external and internal influences.

At the end of the day, I think each of us starts to write for very different reasons but we keep at it because it is a passion, a love affair with the what if’s, the maybe’s and the absolutely fantastic.That timeline posted above, those things were big ticket items on the grocery list of my life, but they are forever gone. What is not gone is the product of the fire that was started in my mind. If no one ever buys a copy of my book, it is ok, I know it is there as do my children and family and each and every one of them knows what it means to me when I see that title. There is always, always something to be happy about, always.

Ok, enough soul searching for one night. Here is hoping you are all having a wonderful evening!

Much Love


Feeling Deep and Cheesy

I know that all of you write in one form or another, so here is the question:

When you have neglected your practice do you feel those characters and other personas calling to you while you are stuck in the grind that is everyday life?

I do! I have been feeling like a terrible mother as of late when it comes to my imaginary worlds and friends. I am trying but as soon as I sink my mind into that realm I lose it to chores and work. I will continue with my efforts reminding myself that these other areas of my mind are also important.

In the interim please enjoy this hold music:

Recent Silence

I have been absent for a bit as I have started a new job but I promise to make more of an effort to get out here.

I will be bringing out the old laptop and dusting it off so that I can write at night from a more horizontal position. The newest book lends itself to the dark anyway so this may be a good thing.

It is difficult to switch from black and white numbers all day to the splashes of color that live in my head but I will press on!

Much Love!


Cosplay and Accounting

I have an adult daughter that is completely into cosplay and goes to all of the cons that she can. My husband and I are long time ren festival people so dressing up is not so unfamiliar to us either.

My first book was filled with amazing characters that I know would make for great costumes. I think that I will start working on making them this year to wear to some of the conventions that are out there. I know this sounds unconventional for a grandma but how fun would it be to dress up as a character that you created an entire universe around?  I would be focusing on the character Diannan, I think, or possibly Kaylee, it’s a tough call, they are both amazing.

In the interim I have begun following some new pages that focus on this hobby/lifestyle and there are some very creative people out there for me to learn from.

Update on the job search:

I start work tomorrow back in the accounting field, so that is good news. The down side is that my nights and weekends will be spent creating my books. Thankfully my husband is very supportive.

Have a lovely day wherever you may be!

Much Love,


Flu Shots, Voting Stickers and Meatballs

This is my Tuesday lineup. I would love to tell you that I am going to work on the next great novel today but that would be a lie. Instead I am going to bundle up on the couch and deal with the remnants of this years flu shot, which I took over the weekend, eat some homemade meatballs and peel off my “I Voted” sticker. Then I will proceed to veg in front of the television which is very unlike me.I do not do daytime TV, never have really, but today I will make an exception.

I find myself in serious need of a slacker day.

I hope all of you are enjoying life wherever you are.

Much Love,


Major Changes

Good afternoon!

I am writing today with a lot on my mind. Without going into too much detail I will say that I was shocked by a phone call this morning and it made me really examine my expectations in this life.

When something major happens we have a reaction, either good or not so good, either way the only thing that we can control is that reaction. I was given a huge piece of news that will affect many people and there is nothing that I can do but sit back and be happy for the possible long term good that could come of this news.

It is a long running joke in my family that I am a major control freak. I owned this and have been steadily working on it as I have repeatedly been knocked down and each time that I found myself on the ground I looked around and was reminded that my control of others is an illusion. Today was no exception but I am happy to report that instead of over reacting, I reached out with good intention and the realization that this major life change may be a great thing for those involved. I want to find the happiness in this and am better equipped to do so after all that we have been through as a family. This warms my heart because I now know that I have made progress as a person. I am not filled with anxiety and worry, instead, I am filled with wonder at where these new paths will take my family. Change has traditionally been difficult for me but that tradition is hitting the wayside as we move forward.

So, here we go again!

Much Love,